AK ION 10.4" MID MLOK - EXT Draco/RD 704

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AK ION 10.4" MID MLOK - EXTENDED with Front Strap

For Romanian Draco

(NOT for US made 10.5 Draco- those are the RAS47 HG's from our website)

NOTE- This hand guard must be used with our Synergy Hybrid Linear Comp

NOTE- Sling Loop on  stock hand guard retainer must be removed to use this hand guard. Stock retainer can stay just the loop must be removed.

Choose our 14mm LH or 1/2-28 9mm Linear Comp depending on your barrel

-Draco uses 14mm LH

Some RD pistols use 1/2-28 thread

ONLY FOR USE ON 12.25" Barrel DRACO PISTOL (Std Pistol) and RD 704 11.5" Barrel

  • 7075 Billet Aluminum
  • 4 QD swivel sockets
  • Built in 3 slot picatinny  up front on left and right
  • MLOK both sides and bottom
  • Black Anodize

CHOOSE Mod 1 mount option for Draco


CHOOSE Mod 1 mount option for RD Stamped Receiver

CHOOSE  SHARPS  Mount for RD Sharps Receiver

Choose DRACO Railed Gas Tube for Draco’s (not required)

Choose AMD65 Railed Gas Tube for RD704’s (not required)



1 Review

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  • 5
    It’s perfect

    Fits perfectly on the new build with no fitting or hammering!! And if you build AKs you know that’s a rarity! Everything has to be hammered on and ground on. I got a 12.5” AMD barrel / w AMD size gas system. A little on the pricy side, but it’s a really nice HG and gas tube. The customer support was really helpful, and I got it in 2 days. Would definitely recommend.

1 Review

  • 5
    It’s perfect

    Fits perfectly on the new build with no fitting or hammering!! And if you build AKs you know that’s a rarity! Everything has to be hammered on and ground on. I got a 12.5” AMD barrel / w AMD size gas system. A little on the pricy side, but it’s a really nice HG and gas tube. The customer support was really helpful, and I got it in 2 days. Would definitely recommend.